issue 6Editor’s Note: natasha wein, editorial staffPoetry & short prose:“aunt ginny”, nancy lee vandusen“the mind is split”, Glenn Marchand jr.“If it behaves as righteous”, Glenn Marchand jr.“being human”, Glenn Marchand jr.“The opportunity of saying no”, Ethel Khanis“A Course of Electro-Convulsive Therapy”, muriel zeller“Reflections on Dissociative Identity Disorder”, muriel zeller“they laughed themselves sick”, Muriel Zeller“Sequence of a Defusion, a Glory”, laura Carter“deflection”, laura carter“discard of economy”, laura carter“Voices”, Ricci wiles barnet“on reaching old age”, Colin Ian Jeffery“the long goodbye”, Colin Ian Jefferylong Prose:“Have you tried Advil?; A Chronic Mystery Solved”, Katrina holden-Buckley“Active Incidents on Planet Entertainment: A Psych Patient’s Perspective on Mass Shootings & Mental Illness”, Marissa flores