Submission Guidelines
Submissions are now being accepted for our next issue. Our submission cycle is rolling year-round, but the sooner you submit after an issue has just been published, the better your chances at publication with us.
We accept unsolicited submissions, but only original, previously unpublished work. We accept simultaneous submissions but ask for you to inform us if your work has been accepted elsewhere prior to our decision. Anyone can submit any piece relevant and empathetic to the mission of the journal that comes within the scope of writing or art: poetry, prose, personal narrative, interviews, translations, essays, etc. We mostly publish poetry but we are open to publishing other forms as well.
Pieces must be formatted 12 pt., Times New Roman, and must convey a positive message. There are no length requirements; we accept short pieces as well as long-form prose (for longer, book-length manuscripts, check the Libre tab on our website).
Email a document containing your submission to with a subject line of “Submission”. Réapparition Journal is self-funded and does not charge a submission fee at this time.
If you would like your piece to be published anonymously, please indicate that in your submission email. Otherwise, make sure to indicate your first and last name accompanied by a cover letter and a short bio (no more than three sentences).
Note: On request, if the piece is appropriate for the journal, we publish unsolicited pieces on our blog as well. If you would like to publish a piece for our blog, please indicate that in your submission email. Submissions for blog posts receive expedited reviews, so you will receive a faster response.
Rights: Réapparition Journal reserves the right to publish and edit any submitted work as per our formatting guidelines. After publication, rights revert back to the author, but subsequent publications of the same work must reference Réapparition Journal.
Disclaimer: We are open to publishing varied opinions on subjects as long as they are conducive to the free expression of ideas, but the journal itself does not endorse any political or religious views.