Shuttered Eye

So much thought, too much thought

The mind bends in upon itself

The thoughts struggle to surface

Freeze, allow none others to pass

Accumulation, inches, feet

And here is the fatigue

Driving the body to sleep

Head back impossible angle

It does not matter the grey is calling

Overwhelmed, stillness, except

Eyes close, heavy achy body

Bend creak, burn of shoulder

Range of motion stopped, hiccup breath

The pain is fierce, shocking

Where did you come from?

Sweated out, hot hot hot from even a shower

Sweat beads up short of breath

What is this new occurrence?

The stress feeds the disease

You know this

Stress at impossible levels worldwide

Feasting on our immortalities

Grimace mask, muscle memory

Headache spinning, comfort not found bodily

The rest of shuttered eye

Piercing nothing but dark quiet of sky

Tricia Johnson

Tricia Johnson is a poet wishing to share her work with others, by using the written word to embrace one another’s humanity. She is a retired teacher. She lives in the beautiful hills of Pennsylvania with her husband and two sons. Published work includes the poem “Living with Lupus” which appeared in Still You Poems of Illness & Healing, Wolf Ridge Press 2020.