I am a landmark
I am a landmark.
Made in love, I was planted on this earth with ideas and dreams and hope and promise. I want to stretch my branches out in the sun and reach toward a future that is bigger than me. I want to create something transient yet unceasing. Constantly shifting with the wind yet immovable. I want to plant roots in the ground. Roots that deepen with time. Roots that persist even when I am pruned and picked and re-potted.
I want to carve my notch into the wood and leave space for others to do the same. I want to tell my story in a way that those who connect with it feel their stories are being told too. I want my voice to make others feel heard. I want to look at my own experiences through the lens of their narratives. They shape me. They teach me where I came from and who I am. I shape every place I stand with that knowledge.
I am a landmark.
I will move on.
But I want to leave something that will stay.
Elizabeth Blosfield
Elizabeth Blosfield is a journalist and creative writer. Her previous prose and personal essays have published in Thought Catalog, Medium, and Chicken Soup for the Soul. Her website is www.elizabethblosfield.weebly.com, and you can find her on Twitter @eblosfield.