Aging Pawn On A Chess Board
Once upon a time I figured it would be the big C crab gambit
that grabbed my pancreas bad before carcinoma spread
painfully into spine then other bone, lung, liver
but so far bishopric offices seem to be proven wrong —
even though both as first-born knight to ninety-nine-year-old king
plus hundred and two-year-old queen, as well as
a rookie physician, I should long ago have noticed unanticipated
scenarios (in their cases blind-deafness or dementia/depression
though in mine bad spine-hips, vertigo) which inconveniently
intervene to muddy up life before god knows who-what
definitive terminal endgames may bring for final solutions
to all of our sandcastles’ good night sweet prince/ss downfalls.
Gerard Sarnat
Gerard Sarnat MD has won the Poetry in the Arts First Place Award plus the Dorfman Prize; has been nominated for a handful of recent Pushcarts plus Best of the Net Awards; has authored HOMELESS CHRONICLES (2010), Disputes (2012), 17s (2014) and Melting The Ice King (2016); and is widely published including recently by New Ulster, Gargoyle, Stanford, Oberlin, Pomona, Penn, Dartmouth, Wesleyan, Johns Hopkins, Virginia Commonwealth, Harvard, and many more. His poetry was chosen for a 50th Harvard reunion Dylan symposium. Gerry’s been married since 1969 with three kids, five grandsons and looking forward to future granddaughters.